FACT0RN, the future of Proof of Work, and you!

Until now, the work in PoW has not gone to benefit any other enterprise but itself. FACT0RN is the first PoW blockchain that seeks to drastically change this situation by replacing hashing by work that is of interest to the private sector, as well as to the academic communities and those whose success will propel significant funding for universities and mathematical research in general.

We strongly believe Satoshi’s vision of immutable and transparent ledger secured by PoW. We also believe that the high energy use in PoW can be used in something that should benefit the whole society. The FACT0RN blockchain achieves both.

FACT0RN is an initiative led by Escanor Liones, and a core team of volunteers who oversee its development. It has not received any investment and will not accept any investments, other than voluntary donations. We also welcome any proposals and ideas to improve the blockchain.

If you would like to support the project, we also have a Tip Jar wallet whose funds are used for the following purposes:

  • Fund the technical development of the FACT0RN blockchain

  • Fund mathematical research

  • Fund development of related projects: e.g. factoring software and factoring hardware

Tip Jar Address: fact1qln3xayyyuhwww5jl6c4xtf8e3aqzym6wl45rrv

Last updated