$FACT tokenomics
Miners that secure a block in the FACT0RN blockchain are rewarded with FACT0RN coins, $FACT, which can be traded as a cryptocurrency. As one would expect, miners who factor larger integers correctly receive better rewards than those factoring smaller integers.
There is no automatic vesting of $FACT coins or any allocation reserved for the team. All $FACT coins that enter into the circulation must be mined through factorization as the PoW. There is also no supply cap when it comes to $FACT. This is intentionally designed to incentivise factoring larger, more difficult integers. Making it more difficult to mine rewards controls the inflation of $FACT coins and protects against negative impact on the coin’s value. The larger the integer factored, the larger the reward, and the more $FACT that will enter circulation.
Additionally, FACT0RN is also introducing a “deadpool” concept, which will tap into the enthusiasm of factoring communities. Any user can pay a fee in $FACT and submit an integer to be factored to the deadpool. In addition, anyone else can add more $FACT coins to any integer of deadpools.
Below is a quick summary of $FACT emission:
No pre-mining
No pre-sale
No team allocation
No emission schedule (mining only)
Unlimited supply, but low reward for block discovery
1.5 years and less than 260K coins in Supply
Circulating Supply = Total Supply at all times
Last updated